Monday, May 17, 2010

My first week by Trey

My First Week in the NICU By Trey Rapp
Howdy everyone. I had a busy week, filled with many tests and many visitors. Mom and Dad visited everyday. I get to see Memo and Popo alot too. Great Grammy and Papa are also frequent visitors. I was able to meet Auntie Carrie for the first time on Saturday; I can already tell I am going to have fun with her. I know everyone else can't wait to meet me soon.

On Wednesday I had a small heart surgery to fix a valve in my heart, that didn't close before I was born. The proceddure was very quick and has helped me stablize my blood pressure.

On Friday I got a new, more permanent IV called a central tap, which enters my arm and then snakes down my vein to near my heart. This allows thenurses to give me fluids and nourishment. This will also cut down onthe number of times the nurses have to prick me, which I appreciate.

Sunday, I got to take my first few milliliters of breast milk. I was fed via my feeding tube, as my mouth muscles are not yet developed enough to suck on a bottle. I also was given a pacifier for the firsttime, which I liked VERY much. It really helped take the edge off along day…Daddy calls it my ‘Happy Hour’, whatever that means…

I will got weighed for again on Sunday too. The doctors expected me to have lost some weight, as is typical in all children after they are first born. To thier suprise I have gained 2 ounces but they said it could just be fluid. I have also grown another inch. Mommy and Daddy are hoping that I get big and strong quickly, but I am taking my time on that.

My biggest challenge right now is the fluid that has built up in mylungs. This is a fairly typical problem for preemies like me, but it is still serious. The doctors are giving me medication to dry up thefluid, so I hope that works. I’ll get an x-ray later this week which will determine what we do next. Once I get a little more stable, the doctors are also going to try to take my ventilator out. This will let me move around a little more, and maybe even be held by later this week!

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