Friday, June 18, 2010

Week of First

My Week in the NICU

By Trey

This was a week of firsts. I wore clothes for the first time this

week, which was very exciting. I was getting quite embarrassed going

around with just a diaper on for so long. Cousin Cindy and Alli

bought me some cool clothes that have snaps all around them, designed

just for kids like me that have lots of monitor wires on their chests.

My favorite one has a Texas theme, complete with cacti and gushing oil

wells. Spindletop!

But my favorite thing about this week is that Mommy and Daddy finally

got to hold me. It was great! I got to leave the incubator for the

first time since I was born, and each of them got to hold me in a

rocking chair for around 20 minutes. It is quite a process to get me

out of the incubator; my tubes and monitors all need to be untangled

and disconnected, and the machines that monitor me have to be wheeled

into different positions. I’m also pretty sore from the removal of the

chest tube, so it is kind of painful and all very agitating. But once

I get in their arms, I calm down very quickly, and I even managed a

small smile. That is a new trick for me!

I’m still quite bloated, but am continuing on the diuretic to help

with that. This makes it difficult for me to open my eyes, but I am

trying. While my weight fluctuations, I am firmly above 4 pounds now.

That means I more than doubled my weight since I was born. I’m a big

boy now!

So, Daddy tells me all the conference realignment stuff has been

resolved (at least for most teams), and that A&M will stay in the Big

12 (or whatever it will be called). While I’m happy that the Aggies

will get more than double their current TV money, I’m also a bit

disappointed about not going to the SEC. Playing in Baton Rouge or

Gainesville would have really beat out playing in Lubbock or Waco. But

I understand it was the safe move. Still, by the time I get to A&M, I

highly doubt the Big 12 will be around in its current incarnation, so

I may just get to see the Aggies play at ‘The Swamp’ on a conference

road trip one day.

This weekend I plan on pulling my ventilator out. Really. I think I’m

ready for it to be gone, and I’ve been doing my best to pull it out.

It is so uncomfortable and really gets in the way during batting

practice. I overheard the nurses say that if it ‘accidently fell out’

they would not try to put it back in, but instead give me the CPAP.

Maybe I can help them out! My breathing has been good at 18 breaths

per minute at ~40% oxygen, so it is time. Come on nurses!

I’m also tolerating my feeds much better then before. I’m on a special

formula that will not leak into my lungs, and I’ve already doubled the

amount of food I receive (from 5ml to 10ml every three hours). I plan

on increasing my feeds until eventually I will be only milk/formula

and no IV food.

Ok, all for now. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.

Trey ‘33

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